PLL processes quality lambskins year round to supply tanneries with suitable raw material for making natural woolskin products such as floor rugs, bedding rugs, car seat covers, double face garments
and Ugg boots.
Lambskins are delivered to our factory under temperature controlled conditions. On arrival they are checked by Quality Control to ensure compliance, then conveyed into a dedicated processing area.
The skins are carefully inspected and selected by our team of experienced graders, before undergoing a comprehensive salting preservation process in rotating stainless steel and wooden drums. Once completed the skins are drained on stillages for 24 hours then palletized in a hydraulic press.
Those skins not suitable for premium wool-on skins are either processed through the fellmongery into Pickled Pelts or sold as Fellmongery grade wool-on skins.
Lamb Rugskins (unshorn)
Specification Grade Length Wool Length
950 Run Over 950mm 55 -100mm
900 Run 900 – 950mm 55 -100mm
850 Run 850 – 900mm 50 -100mm
Budget 2nd Over 950mm 45 -110mm
Third 3rd Over 850mm 45 -110mm
Availability: November to February
Lamb Footwear grade (shorn)
Specification Grade Length Wool Length
Footwear Run Over 950mm 25 – 50mm
Footwear Run Over 950mm 15 – 25mm
Availability: March to September
These include all shapes, sizes and wool types. Skins are selected according to type and wool length, packed into the following grades:
Shorn Lamb 0-1”
Shorn Lamb 1-2”
Shorn Lamb 2-3”
Shorn Lamb 3-4”
Shorn Lamb 4-6”
Woolly Lamb 0-2”
Woolly Lamb 2-4”
Woolly Lamb 4-6”
Sheep 0-2”
Sheep 2-4”
Sheep 4-6”
Natural Black All-in
Rams All-in
Merino ¼ - ½”
Merino ½ - 1”
Merino 1-2”
Merino 2”+
Availability is throughout the year but subject to seasonality of supply.
The number of skins per pallet may vary at different times of the season due to skin size.
Salting removes the moisture content from the skin and will cause it to shrink. However when rehydrated, the skin will return to its original size.